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Welcome to the VGERTA website!                                                             

VGERTA was founded on 26th November 2007 and represents the following:

1. Arne House, 2. Arrowsmith House, 3. Aveline Street, 4. Baddeley House, 5. Bland House, 6. Brangton Road, 7. Burchell House, 8. Coverley Point, 9. Darley House, 10. Duffell House, 11. Dunmow House, 12. Edward House, 13. Haymans Point, 14. Jameson House, 15. Kennedy House, 16. Malmsey House, 17. Mountain House, 18. Newburn House, 19. Pella House, 20. Sancroft House, 21. Sedley House, 22. Waylett House, 23. Wynyard House, 24. Arden House, 25. Deacon House, 28. St Oswald's Place, 29. Leary House, 30. Simpson House, 31. Braham House, 32. Vernon House, 33. Grover House, 34. Dolland House and 35. Sullivan House


Our meetings are held on every first Tuesday of the month with one of these being an AGM and four being General Meetings. The General Meetings will be attended by representatives of Lambeth Council services and are focused on issues affecting residents. 


Residents have full voting rights at General Meetings and at the AGM.


All residents of the Vauxhall Gardens Estate are welcome to attend all our meetings!

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Meet the local Police and discuss Community Safety:


The next Vauxhall Ward panel meeting will be held at Vauxhall City Farm. 


The meeting will be on Friday 31st May 2024 at the Vauxhall City Farm between 1800hrs and 1900hrs. 

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There will be a drop-in opportunity this weekend for KOV members and residents to ask questions and discuss the proposed Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Neighbourhood Plan.


This will be an informal event to meet other members and raise any questions directly with the Plan Steering Group.


Venue: Durning Library, 167 Kennington Lane, London SE11 4HF

Time: Saturday 27th April 2024 between 2:30 & 4 pm


Important links:

The Plan:

Plan policies:


Please respond with comments by 13 May 2024 preferably using this link.

Alternatively, please email your response to or send written comments to:

Box 77, 334 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5HY


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